Chiropractic Costs & Coverage
What is the average cost to see a chiropractor?
The cost of visiting a chiropractor varies based on a few factors (ex., the type of treatment you receive, clinic location, etc.). Healthcare coverage for chiropractic care also varies depending on your extended healthcare or insurance plan. Access to chiropractic services for all Canadians is a CCA priority . We continue to initiate and support efforts to bring affordable spine, muscle and nervous system treatment to those in need.
Public Funding
There are some publicly funded programs that cover chiropractic services for the general public or specific subgroups including seniors and low-income citizens. For more information on coverage, please visit your provincial association website.
Extended Healthcare Plans/Benefits
Chiropractic care is covered extensively by third-party payers. These include employee benefit plans, the federal public service, worker’s compensation boards, the automobile insurance industry, extended healthcare benefits, the RCMP, Canadian Forces and Veteran’s Affairs Canada.
Chiropractic care is covered extensively by third-party payers. These include employee benefit plans, the federal public service, worker’s compensation boards, the automobile insurance industry, extended healthcare benefits, the RCMP, Canadian Forces and Veteran’s Affairs Canada.
Most extended health care (EHC) plans, also called supplementary health or supplementary medical plans, are in addition to provincial health coverage. Most EHC plans include chiropractic services as part of paramedical services coverage, and it is the primary source of third-party coverage for most patients. Nearly 70% of Canadians have extended health care coverage1. In 2021, insurers paid $30.4 billion in supplementary health care costs2. Extended health care plans can be purchased as an individual or, most often, as a group through workplace group benefits programs provided by employers, unions, or trade/professional associations. Talk to your employer about your coverage.
Federal Populations
The federal government is the fifth largest provider of healthcare services. It provides services through a variety of funding and delivery models, some of which include chiropractic services. The five subgroups of Canadians, include:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
The RCMP policy currently in effect was published in January 2014. Dr. Eric Jackson, convener of the CCA-appointed national assessors, has been working to establish chiropractors as entrenched team members in the various regional health teams.
Members can access one or all of these services – acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy and physiotherapy – up to a combined maximum allowance of $4,800 per calendar years. Preauthorization is not required. Prescription for acupuncture and massage therapy is required.
A Provider Claim Form should be completed. More information can we found at medavie.bluecross.ca or by calling 1-888-261-4033.
Veteran Affairs Canada
Veterans Affairs Canada offers health care benefits to eligible veterans under 14 Programs of Choice (POC). Chiropractic services are included among the “Related Health Services” under POC 12. Medavie Blue Cross of Canada administers the payment for treatment benefits through the Treatment Accounts Procession System (TAPS). Health identification cards identifying eligibility to services and benefits are issued to clients and must be presented to registered providers.
Group A clients are veterans and civilians who have been granted a pension from Veterans Affairs Canada. Group B clients are veterans and civilians who are receiving an allowance under the War Veterans Allowance Act. As of December 2011, Veterans Affairs Canada has set the frequency limit at 20 sessions per calendar year for chiropractic services. If the Veterans’ treatment plan requires more than 20 sessions per calendar year, practitioners should contact the VAC Treatment Authorization Centre at 1-888-261-4033 to obtain approval for extended sessions.
Canadian Forces
Chiropractors are recognized under the Health Practitioner Benefits for outpatient services. Services can be accessed only when prescribed by the attending physician, nurse practitioner or physiotherapist. Members of the CF can access up to 10 appointments and one assessment. Acupuncture, when in conjunction with pain management, can also be applied to up to 10 treatments. Physicians can authorize attendance as indicated, per condition, after which physician follow-up of each case is required to ensure that care is progressing and to determine whether further care is required.
While patient care, rather than monetary limits per se, will be the determining factor, permission must be granted in advance of additional treatments/therapies. It is important to note that it is the onus of the service personnel to get pre-authorization for chiropractic services. However, the client then is responsible for bringing the forms to his or her Medical Officer and receiving reimbursement directly. Either way, payment should be received directly from the military person being treated.
Medavie Blue Cross:
Medavie Blue Cross administers the Federal Health Claims Processing System (FHCPS) on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), the Canadian Forces (CF) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Each Blue Cross plan is responsible for answering provider inquiries in their province or region as they relate to provider services under FHCPS, including provider registration, claims payment, communication materials and the Point of Service (POS) system.
Contact information for each Blue Cross Plan:
Medavie Blue Cross
Medavie Blue Cross
Federally Administered Programs
644 Main Street
PO Box 220
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 8L3
Phone: 1-888-261-4033
Fax: 506-867-4651
Email: inquiry@medavie.bluecross.ca
First Nations Non-Insured Health Benefits (FNIHB)
First Nations Non-Insured Health Benefits (FNIHB) clients obtain insured services, which may include chiropractic services, through existing provincial and territorial plans. In some cases, where there are co-payment requirements, FNIHB clients may be eligible for chiropractic co-payment costs. Each Health Canada region has implemented local policies, which change from year to year, regarding chiropractic coverage. Under a decentralized management system, each FNIHB regional office (one per province and territory, except for Atlantic Canada where there is one office for the region) has the flexibility and authority to establish its own policies based on regional needs and desires. Please contact your local provincial FNIHB branch for the most recent information (see contact information).
For more information, please contact your regional offices:
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
1547 Merivale Road, 3rd floor
Address Locator 6103A
Nepean, Ontario
K1A 0L3
(613) 952-0145
British Columbia
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
510-757 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C.
V6C 1A1 Provider
Line: 1-800-665-2289
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
300 Main Street, Suite 100
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2B5
(867) 667-3942
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
9700 Jasper Avenue Suite 730, Canada Place
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 4C3
(780) 495-2694
Northwest Territories
Government of Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services
P.O. Box 1320,
7th Floor Centre Square Tower
Yellowknife, NWT
X1A 2L9
(in Yellowknife) 873-7904
Atlantic Canada
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Indian and Inuit Health Services
The Ralston Building, Suite 634
1557 Hollis Street, 6th Floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 1V6
(902) 426-2656
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
1911 Broad Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 1Y1
(306) 780-8267
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
391 York Avenue 3rd Floor, Suite 300
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 4W1
(204) 983-8886
Health Canada First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Guy-Favreau Complex
200 René Lévesque Blvd West Suite 202, East Tower
Montreal, Quebec
H2Z 1X4
(514) 283-1575
Corrections Canada
Inmates in federal institutions fall under the jurisdiction of the government of Canada and thus are ineligible for the insured chiropractic services in provincial health insurance plans. While the full range of medical services is covered by the department, it does not cover chiropractic services.
1. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Facts, 2022 Edition http://clhia.uberflip.com/i/1478447-canadian-life-and-health-insurance-facts-2022-edition/0?
2. Canadian Life and Health Insurance Facts, 2022 Edition http://clhia.uberflip.com/i/1478447-canadian-life-and-health-insurance-facts-2022-edition/0?