Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

September 2002 Volume 46 No. 3

    Measuring Philosophy: Philosophy Index

    • Lesley Biggs, PhD
    • David Hay, PhD
    • Dale Mierau, BSPE, DC, DCCS(C)

    Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care – Contribution of Cochrane Collaboration and the Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre

    • Kathie Clark, RN, PhD
    • Arne Ohlsson, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAP

    Commentary: Health Psychology Chiropractors and Psychologists Working Together

    • Annalyn Mercado, BA (Hons), MA

    Commentary – The Mechanics of Neck Manipulation with Special Consideration of the Vertebral Artery

    • Walter Herzog, PhD
    • Bruce Symons, MSc, DC

    Chiropractic Management of Shoulder Pain and Dysfunction of Myofascial Origin Using Ischemic Compression Techniques

    • Guy Hains, DC