Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

March 2009 Volume 53 No. 1

    Functional neuroimaging: a brief overview and feasibility for use in chiropractic research

    • Reidar Lystad, BChiroSc, MChiroprac, PGCertResPrep
    • Henry Pollard, BSc, Grad Dip Chiro, Grad Dip AppSc, MSportSc, PhD

    An annotated bibliography of spinal motion palpation reliability studies

    • Kristopher Birkeland, BA
    • Robert Cooperstein, MA, DC
    • Michael Haneline, DC, MPH
    • Morgan Young, BS

    Technique Systems used by post-1980 graduates of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College practicing in five Canadian provinces: a preliminary survey

    • Brian Gleberzon, BA, DC
    • Christa Mallay, BA, DC
    • Chad Mykietiuk, DC
    • Travis Pillipow, BSc, DC
    • Megan Wambolt, BSc(Hon), DC

    Conservative treatment of a tibialis posterior strain in a novice triathlete: a case report

    • Nicole Hammonds, DC
    • Scott Howitt, BA, CK, CSCS, DC, FCCSS(C), FCCRS(C)
    • Sarah Jung, DC

    Post-surgical care of a professional ballet dancer following calcaneal exostectomy and debridement with re-attachment of the left Achilles tendon

    • Joel Alcantra, BSc, DC
    • Bradley Kobsar, DC

    Commentary- Ian D. Coulter awarded the RAND/Samueli Chair in Integrative Medicine

    • Douglas Brown, DC

    Editorial- Research Consortium Workshop III to advance the Canadian Chiropractic Research Agenda

    • André Bussières, DC, PhD candidate
    • Allan Gotlib, BSc, DC
    • Dr. Kent Stuber, BSc, DC