Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

June 2004 Volume 48 No. 2

    Report: A review of the literature pertaining to the efficacy, safety, educational requirements, uses and usage of mechanical adjusting devices

    • Nicole Arnold, BSc, DC
    • Lesley Biggs, PhD
    • Christopher Colloca, BS, DC
    • Dale Mierau, BSPE, DC, DCCS(C)
    • Bruce Symons, MSc, DC
    • Shane Taylor, DC* Chairman
    • John Triano, DC, PhD

    Rehabilitation of a patient with a rare multi-level isthmic spondylolisthesis:a case report

    • Leong Wong, DC, FCCRS(C), DACRB

    Discitis in an adult following acupuncture treatment: a case report

    • William Hsu, BSc, DC, DACBR, FCCR(C)
    • Peter Kim, BSc, DC, FCCS(C)

    Commentary: Orthopaedics and chiropractic, a close relationship

    • WH Kirkaldy-Willis, MA, MD, FRCS(E and C)

    Book Review: Beyond Pain: Making the Mind – Body Connection

    • David Israelson
    • Angela Mailis-Gagnon

    Avascular necrosis of the hip in a 41-year-old male: a case study

    • Kambiz Goel, DC, FCCRS(C)
    • Rahim Karim, BSc, DC, FCCRS(C), DACRB