Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

December 2006 Volume 50 No. 4

    The use of botulinum neurotoxin type A (Botox) for headaches: a case review

    • Joanna Macdonald, BHK, DC
    • Mia Oliver, BA, DC
    • Moez Rajwani, BSc, DC

    Hip fracture presenting as mechanical low back pain subsequent to a fall: a case study

    • Brian Gleberzon, BA, DC
    • David Hyde, DC

    The conservative treatment of Trigger Thumb using Graston Technique and Active Release Techniques

    • Scott Howitt, BA, CK, CSCS, DC, FCCSS(C), FCCRS(C)
    • Jerome Wong, DC
    • Sonja Zabukovec, DC

    Subtle clinical signs of a spinal cord ependymoma at the cervicothoracic level in an adult: a case report

    • André Bussières, DC, PhD candidate
    • Julie O’Shaughnessy, DC

    Evidence Based Chiropractic Care- Systematic Reviews from the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group

    • Rachelle Buchbinder, MBBS(Hons), MSc
    • Renea Johnston, PhD
    • Lara Maxwell, BSc
    • Nancy Santesso, RD, MLIS
    • Peter Tugwell, MD, MSc