Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association

June 2005 Volume 49 No. 2

    Biomechanical effects of a lumbar support in a mattress

    • Pierre Black
    • Martin Descarreaux, DC
    • Claude Dugas
    • Dominique Mailhot
    • Martin Normand, PhD
    • Caroline Poulin
    • Nadia Richer

    Chiropractic management of musculoskeletal pain secondary to tardive dyskinesia

    • Kelly Schoonderwoerd, DC, BA

    Symptomatic improvement in function and disease activity in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis utilizing a course of chiropractic therapy: a prospective case study

    • Edward Crowther, BA, DC
    • Cameron Nicolson, BSc, DC
    • Susan Rutherford, BSc, DC

    Commentary: Can chiropractic survive its chimerical nature?

    • Robert Cooperstein, MA, DC
    • Brian Gleberzon, BA, DC
    • Stephen Perle, DC.MS