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Canadian chiropractors ranked among global experts

September 29, 2021 – The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) celebrates the release of the top 100 global experts in the medical field of back pain, as ranked by Expertscape. Two Canadian chiropractors, Dr. Pierre Côté and Dr. Greg Kawchuk, were recognized as world experts in their field.

Expertscape.com is an independent website that aims to objectively rank people and institutions by their expertise in more than 29,000 biomedical topics. Reviewing global peer-reviewed medical journals, Expertscape scores and ranks based on those doing work investigating the leading edge of knowledge. The website is frequently used by patients, researchers, attorneys, and media who are looking for an expert opinion or advice on a medical issue.

September is International Pain Awareness Month, and this week Expertscape unveiled its ranking of global experts in back pain, including Dr. Greg Kawchuk from Alberta, and Dr. Pierre Côté from Ontario, who was also the third ranked expert in the field of neck pain. Additionally, Expertscape found that six of the top ten experts in Canada were chiropractors.

Dr. Greg Kawchuk, PhD, is a professor of spinal function at the University of Alberta, has held the Canada Research Chair in Spinal Function, and in 2016 was awarded the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) Researcher of the Year Award. Dr. Kawchuk is one of three founding members of the Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership (CARL), a global mentoring program for early-career scientists.

Looking at this list it’s apparent that researchers with a background or interest in the chiropractic profession are not only holding their own, but are making significant contributions to the field of low back pain,” said Dr. Greg Kawchuk. “This recognition is a big pat on the back for everyone involved in this field over the past ten years.”

Dr. Pierre Côté, PhD, is a professor and the Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation with the Ontario Tech University. He also holds appointments at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and at the University of Southern Denmark. Dr. Côté was selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) to lead a collaborative effort to keep key decision makers informed about COVID-19 trends and issues, including epidemiology, lab studies, vaccine development, travel restriction measures, and more.

“[This recognition] is not about me, but rather building a strong body of evidence to improve the clinical management of patients and reduce the burden of disability in the population,” said Dr. Pierre Côté. “I hope it will motivate and inspire young chiropractors to pursue research careers.”

Low back pain is a common health problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, back pain is the leading cause of disability, and effects 577 million people worldwide, including 11 million Canadians here at home.

We are incredibly proud of the work these doctors, along with their fellow chiropractic researchers, are doing to advance our understanding of musculoskeletal conditions and evidence-based treatment options. This reinforces what we have always known: as spine, muscle and nervous system experts, chiropractors are an essential part of every Canadian’s healthcare team,” said Alison Dantas, CEO of the Canadian Chiropractic Association.


Issue Background:

  • Musculoskeletal work-related disorders are the number one reason for lost-time work injury, accounting for 40 per cent of all lost-time claims.[i]
  • Each year, more than 11 million Canadians suffer from back, neck and joint pain – musculoskeletal conditions – and by 2031 this number is projected to grow to an alarming 15 million.[ii]
  • A recent Institute for Employment Studies survey found that more than half of the employees working remotely due to the pandemic reported a significant increase in musculoskeletal complaints.[iii]

The Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) is a national association representing the over 9,000 Doctors of Chiropractic from across Canada. To learn more, visit www.chiropractic.ca.

Media Contact:

Brad Lepp, Director of Public Affairs
416-585-7902 X 220
(c.) 647-993-6040

[i] Crawford JO et al., Musculoskeletal health in the workplace, Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.berh.2020.101558

[ii] Canadian Institute of Health Research, IMHA Strategic Plan 2014-2018: Enhancing Musculoskeletal, Skin and Oral Health, https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48830.html

[iii] Bevan S, Mason B, Bajorek Z, IES Working at Home Wellbeing Survey, Institute for Employment Studies (IES) | Apr 2020. https://www.employment-studies.co.uk/resource/ies-working-home-wellbeing-survey