5 Key Stretches For Runners

If you’re looking to take advantage of the great weather we’ve been having in Canada this summer, and you’re looking to stay active through running, you may benefit from our 5 key stretches for runners.

1: Upper Calf
Stretch your arms in front of you and place both hands on a sturdy object. Stand with feet comfortably apart, toes pointing towards the wall. Put one leg back about 12 inches from the other, keeping the knee straight and your foot flat on the ground. Bend the knee of the front leg so your hips move forward and lean into your hands.

2: Lower Calf
Adopt the same position as for the upper calf stretch. Shift the foot of your back leg forward until the toes are just behind the heel of the front leg. Keep both heels on the ground with toes pointing forward. Lower your hips by bending both knees.

3. Front of Thigh
Adopt the same position as for the upper calf stretch. Shift the foot of your back leg forward until the toes are just behind the heel of the front leg. Keep both heels on the ground with toes pointing forward. Lower your hips by bending both knees.

4. Back of Thigh
Place one foot up on a low surface about knee high with your hands on the thigh. Keep the knee of this leg straight with the toes pointing forward. Bend forward from the hips – not the waist. Keep your lower back flat by bringing your chest towards your knee rather than your head.

5. Hips/Buttocks
From the back thigh stretch position, bend your front knee so that your foot is now on the edge of the surface. Hands on hips, lean slightly forward over the bent leg. Keep the leg you are standing on straight.
If you have any concerns before starting a running program, you should get checked by a health professional, such as a chiropractor.