
Behind the Scenes of Sports Medicine: Chiropractic Care at the FIFA World Cup
In recent years, chiropractic care has emerged as a vital component of sports medicine. Dr. Scott Howitt, a Canadian chiropractor, has been at the forefront of his field, working closely with athletes and soccer teams, including the Canadian men's national soccer team at the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Posture perfect: maintaining the spine’s natural curves
Good posture not only makes you look better, it also delivers increased energy, better breathing, improved circulation, and less wear and tear on your joints. It’s an investment in both your appearance and your health.

New Study Reveals Opioids’ Failure in Treating Low Back and Neck Pain
The study divided patients with low back and neck pain into two groups: those receiving opioid treatment and those given a placebo. Over a designated period, researchers closely monitored the participants' pain severity. The study found no significant difference in pain severity between the two groups.

Fitness tips for badminton players in Canada
Badminton is a fast-paced and dynamic sport that requires agility, speed, and precision. Whether you're a casual player or a competitive athlete, it's important to take care of your body and prepare it for the demands of the game.

Taking up pickleball this summer? Here are a few tips to consider before starting
Pickleball, an enjoyable mix of badminton, tennis, and table tennis, has surged in popularity across Canada. Its low-impact nature makes it accessible for people of all ages and fitness levels.…

Home-Field Advantage Starts Off the Field: Optimize Your Baseball Performance and Recovery
In baseball, performance isn't solely about how you swing the bat or how fast you can throw. It's a more comprehensive process that involves meticulous preparation. Let's look at how players can boost their performance while also minimizing the chance of injuries.

Fitness Tips for Lacrosse (Canada’s official summer sport)
Before stepping onto the field, engage in a dynamic warm-up to increase blood flow and prepare your muscles for the intense demands of lacrosse. Incorporate exercises such as jogging, high knees, and arm circles to warm up your entire body.

Fitness tips for soccer players
Soccer is a sport of passion that engages your whole body. Incorporating these tips and stretches into your routine can optimize your performance and keep you on the pitch, enjoying the beautiful game.

Mastering the Hardwood: Fitness tips for basketball players
In the adrenaline-soaked world of basketball, where the game's tempo swerves between quick rushes to the hoop and tense, drawn-out strategic plays, maintaining peak fitness is not just an advantage - it's a necessity.