6 ways chiropractic care can help manage headaches
Chiropractors can assess, diagnose, and manage headaches. Current evidence suggests that chiropractic care, including manual therapy, can be effective in treating cervicogenic and tension headaches.
Read the full post6 ways chiropractic care can help manage headachesHow chiropractic care can help frequent headaches
Most believe that headaches will simply resolve on their own. The good news is there are ways to both prevent and treat frequent headaches.
Read the full postHow chiropractic care can help frequent headachesTaking charge of your headaches: a guide for pain management
Headaches can be debilitating, but most often feel like unpleasant discomfort, pain or pressure that can be addressed by manual therapies, relaxation and rest, hydration and even short-term use of pain medication.
Read the full postTaking charge of your headaches: a guide for pain managementPlant and Rake Without the Ache: Stretches for Gardening
Gardening is a great outdoor activity anyone can enjoy. But, like any other location in the home, the garden is also a place where injury can occur. These helpful tips will keep your back in check and your garden in bloom.
Read the full postPlant and Rake Without the Ache: Stretches for GardeningHelping those who put others first: Stepping up to help first responders
It has been a challenging time for the residents of British Columbia. In addition to navigating through the constantly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the province has been hit hard by a series of natural disasters, with the latest coming in the form of heavy storms that led to severe flooding.
Read the full postHelping those who put others first: Stepping up to help first responders Improving the health of patients in remote communities
Sixteen published scientific articles laid the theoretical foundations for the model that will be explored in the Pimicikamak community.
Read the full postImproving the health of patients in remote communitiesCanadian chiropractors ranked among global experts
It is one thing to be respected among your peers in your field. It is another to be recognized as a world expert. That’s what happened this past week to Dr. Pierre Côté and Dr. Greg Kawchuk.
Read the full postCanadian chiropractors ranked among global experts“The door of hope” – Chiropractors step up to accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations
Vaccinating an entire population is a colossal undertaking, and provincial governments recognized they would need support from many healthcare professionals. In Quebec and Manitoba, chiropractors were invited to participate.
Read the full post“The door of hope” – Chiropractors step up to accelerate COVID-19 vaccinationsWhat an Indigenous chiropractor wants you to know about building bridges
“I am the only practitioner left in the area and all patients come to see me,” Dr. Ward says. “I feel that I have built a bridge between the two communities. Racism runs deep here and there was a long history of tension.”
Read the full postWhat an Indigenous chiropractor wants you to know about building bridges